411 - Lil John Roberts: The next chapter - Drummer's Resource: Conversations with the world's greatest drummers and music industry pros.
July 16, 2018

411 – Lil John Roberts: The next chapter

Lil John Roberts is no stranger to the podcast, making this his third appearance with this episode. Although John is one of the most sought after Jazz and R & B Drummers of his generation and has worked with everyone from Stevie Wonder and Janet Jackson to Herbie Hancock and George Duke, we don’t dive too deep into drumming in this episode. John is approaching 50 years old and is making some drastic changes in his life, considering what his next move is going to be and is focused on guiding the younger drummers of the world who look to him as a mentor and friend.

Lil John Roberts talks about:

  • Focusing on education as a teacher and mentor
  • Taking Inspiration from life outside of drumming
  • How to deal with burnout
  • His Morning routine and the importance of positive affirmations
  • How to stay centered and balanced while you’re playing
  • Why many drummers sit lower than they should on the kit
  • How much touring sidemen are getting paid these days
  • His obsession with the number 11
  • Much more

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